While this unseasonable weather is making July feel like January, the rain patters on about our unanticipated circumstances during the pandemic. The ‘re-opening’ process is gradually unfolding across the province, and there is a nascent (although undeniably fragile) sense that some things – at least – are on their way to returning to ‘normal’. In our sector, however, we know that any such return is still a long way off: the preponderance of fall instruction will be online, and the spring session is currently expected to remain similarly so. Amidst KPU’s continuing online reality, many faculty and staff, in addition to working from home, are doing so while managing childcare. We would like to tip our hats to those of you with kids at home, and we would like to make opportunities for people to share some of their own activities, ideas, and resources in an upcoming section of the blog. Please feel free to send along ideas of your own, and we will gladly share these in our new section. We have already begun to amass a significant trove of activities and resources.

New Kids on the Block: Several new part-time and full-time faculty members are joining our ranks this fall. We are looking forward to formally introducing these new faculty – as we always do – at the Fall AGM. In the meantime, if your department is in the process of onboarding new colleagues, we would encourage you to extend a helping hand and bid them a heartfelt welcome! Making the transition to new work environs can be difficult at the best of times. In the current context, feeling connected may prove even more challenging. 

Behold the Brainchild: The Arts Speaker Series program has – finally – been finalized! Many excellent talks, which showcase the depth and breadth of Arts research and scholarship activity, are planned for the year ahead! The current roster of presentations canvasses racism, international students, psychological research, co-writing with coyote, sustainable food systems, island living, and the INCEL rebellion. Stay tuned for scheduling information! 

Wizz Kids: For those of you who are not already aware, these two resources have been created to assist you in designing and delivering your courses: 1) The Faculty and Instructional Staff Handbook includes many resources that can help make your academic year as smooth and efficient as possible 2) The Resources for Faculty tab in SharePoint brings together many Faculty of Arts specific resources.  

Not Child’s Play: In late July, the University will host a Level 1 – Foundations – workshop entitled: “Having the Courage – Difficult Conversations.” The three-part course, running July 27, 28 and 30, is designed for anyone interested in building the skills to engage in challenging conversations whether it be with a colleague, a direct report, or your supervisor, to contribute to a healthy respectful workplace. Click here for more information and booking. 

All Kidding Aside: The deadline for submitting proposals for the Arts Research courses is this Monday, July 13. These courses provide excellent opportunities for faculty and students who would like to collaborate on a faculty-led project. Please contact Anne Lin (Anne.Lin@kpu.ca) for more information.  

Wishing you a wonderful weekend, 

Diane, Greg, Shelley and Wade