The long-awaited, much anticipated, August long weekend has at last arrived. The sun is ascendant; the spirit of the Bard is afoot, and the resplendent night air is filled with such stuff as dreams are made. We begin this update with this special elocution on heat, madness, and creativity from Neil Patrick Kennedy, our own dear Robin Goodfellow.

We must take the current where it serves. Students are responding well to the online course offerings, and enrollments are strong in many areas and gaining in others. We recommend that you get in touch with your students over this next interval to give them an idea of what your course is about and to provide them with information about your ’delivery’ approach. Here are three critical pieces of information we suggest you cover: 1) dates/times when students are required to be present online 2) assignments that must be submitted within a fixed time frame 3) elements that involve coordinating schedules with other students.

Our revels now are ended. As recent events have demonstrated, there now looms a genuine danger of a “second wave”. We must all do our utmost to minimize any threat of a COVID outbreak on our campuses. If you do need to come to campus, please fill out the request form (here). Doing so will allow us to ensure everyone’s safety and minimize the dangers of exposure to you and others. 

Now is the winter of our discontent, made glorious summer by this Sun. The KPU Marketing Services team is pleased to share a new library of Microsoft Teams Backgrounds. A wide range of KPU Branded Backgrounds and KPU Campus Imagery have been created. Please visit this link to download backgrounds to use in your next Teams video call. Going forward, we will be exploring the possibility of crafting specialized Faculty of Arts Departmental backgrounds

Diseases desperate grown, by desperate appliance are relieved. Many faculty – faithful to KPU’s commitment to hands-on learning and community engagement – give their students assignments that require them to go out and interact in the community physically. Unfortunately, however, BC is experiencing a resurgence in COVID cases, and it’s crucial, in this context, to provide alternative options to such assignments. Some students may suffer from immunodeficiencies or may be living with people who do; others may feel strongly about protecting themselves from exposure to the virus. Please keep this in mind as you plan your assignment structures for Fall. 

Eye of Newt and Toe of Frog:  Student surveys are underway. Please remind your students that they can access these and provide feedback. The data could prove especially valuable in helping to fine-tune online delivery and refine your grasp of what is working and what could be improved. To access their surveys, students go to One KPU and click on the Course Feedback button. Or type into a browser. 

Rest, Rest, Perturbed Spirit!!! Our own Farhad Dastur (PSYC) will be speaking at a webinar on delivering educational value at a distance hosted by the Emerging Media BC Community of Practice next Friday, August 7 (3 – 4:30 pm): Delivering Value at a Distance: Teaching and Learning Strategies, Challenges, and Solutions. Please RSVP to get an event Webinar link. 

Our chalices and goblets are overfull with gratitude and thanks to each and all of you for your perseverance and devotion. We wish you much joy, wonder, and midsummer merriment.  

Diane, Shelley, Greg, and Wade