Summer 2021 classes concluded this week. We know, we know – there is still a good chunk of marking left for many of those who teach in summer. But it won’t be too long before a respite beckons, so let’s take a page from Alice Cooper’s songbook and celebrate the fact that School’s (almost!) Out for Summer!!

“Alice Cooper” by Direction Communication de la Ville de St-Brieuc is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0


Restart Me Up: Pace the good Mr. Cooper, however, school is NOT “out forever.” As per President Davis’s communication of July 30, and in line with Provincial Health Office directives, KPU expects to move to Step 4 of the Restart Plan when the Fall semester kicks in on September 7. A chart outlining Step 4 requirements is here.

Many of us have very real concerns about a possible Fourth Wave. Dr. Davis assures us that safety is paramount, and that KPU will “continue to review new provincial, federal and the post-secondary sector guidance on COVID-19 as it is released, respond when action is required, and keep you informed of changes in our approach.” As the situation evolves, we will strive to keep everyone apprised of the latest developments. 

Come As You Are – trauma-informed approaches: Given that the return to campus life can bring a degree of (understandable) anxiety for faculty, staff, and students, this article from BC Campus suggests that a trauma-informed approach can help. It offers some useful resources for further exploring this. 

Standing in the Light: Yesterday, AVP HR Laurie Clancy shared that the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation will be recognized as a holiday for September 30. This will be “an interim measure while the Province begins to engage with Indigenous partners and the business and labour communities to determine the most appropriate way to commemorate this day going forward.” This is certainly welcome news!

Hello Hooray – updated student profiles: The Office of Planning and Accountability recently shared updated student profiles (2019-20). They may be of interest as we contemplate teaching in the new semester. 


For Those About to Rock – grade submission deadlines: As noted in Winnie Wong’s email to the Faculty on Monday August 9, all final grades for Summer are due on or before August 25, 2021 (11:59pm). Please note that this is a hard deadline. Non-submission by that date adversely affects students’ registration for next semester – e.g., if they need courses as pre-requisites, and the grades aren’t submitted, they are at risk of losing their course for the upcoming term. Unfiled grades can also create barriers to their graduation. Indeed, significant delays may even draw attention from the Ministry.   

If you’re concerned that delays in student submissions may hamper your ability to meet the deadline, please work on Incomplete Grade Contracts for those students and input an “I” grade by August 25. And be sure to contact ASAP if you believe yourself to be at risk of missing the deadline.   

Finally: we recognize that grading can be a stressful and onerous task. If, in the lead-up to the deadline, you receive reminders or queries from Dean’s Office staff regarding the status of your grades, please remember that they are only performing their required duties in the name of due diligence. This is a busy and challenging time for staff as well. Thank you for understanding! 

“Alice Cooper” by acase1968 is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0


Smell the AIVs: Like Spinal Tap wandering endlessly backstage, one sometimes feels that there is no escaping the maze of academic integrity violations (AIVs). We have assembled a one-page reference document which we hope will help faculty in handling AIVs. It’s attached. 


Rockin’ Like a Hurricane: Valérie Vézina (POLI) has just published a peer-reviewed article co-authored with KPU grad and POLI BA Major Georges Gardinetti! Un grand chapeau to both for this fascinating piece on the “Kingdom of L’Anse-Saint-Jean.” 

We Built This City: David Sadoway’s students in KPU CityLab/POST2140 hosted their Student Summer Showcase on ‘Redesigning the Post-Pandemic University’ today.  Six POST2140 student teams (each with 3-5 students) presented a series of bold and fascinating “thought experiments” linked to the KPU 2050 Official Campus Plan, with a special focus on student housing and improving greening and mobility projects and ideas. Way to rock our world, CityLab/POST2140! 

BFA Alumni Rock! BFA graduate (2017) Amy Duval just finished installing a new body of work titled “Into Bloom” at artsPlace HUB gallery in Canmore, Alberta. After completing a two-year artist in residence at Harbourfront Centre in Toronto, Amy is now pursuing her studio practice in Medicine Hat, where she also works as a Studio Technician at the Shaw Centre for Contemporary Ceramics, an International Artist in Residence Program. You can take a virtual tour of the “Into Bloom” exhibition and watch a video interview with the artist here. Congratulations, Amy!    

“Alice Cooper Concert 6/19/12” by Louisville Images is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0


Appetite for Instruction: KPU has partnered with the Mental Health Commission of Canada to offer the following virtual workplace programs to employees starting this August 2021: 1) Mental Health First Aid Training: a 9-hour program is designed to teach participants how to recognize, empathize, and provide supports to individuals with mental health barriers or in a mental health crisis. Just like physical first aid is provided until medical treatment can be obtained, MHFA is given until appropriate support is found or until the crisis is resolved. 2) The Working Mind: an evidence-based program designed to promote mental health and reduce the stigma around mental illness in the workplace. Two versions are available to KPU employees: Employee Version (5 hours): TWM for employees offers practical knowledge to increase participants’ overall comfort level with mental illness. Manager Version (7 hours): TWM for managers expands on the employee version of the course to include knowledge about supporting your team. To register visit

We’re all eager to jump safely back into the mosh pit (metaphorically speaking). For now: happy grading to those who are still on the case, and let’s all enjoy what we can of the August breather, while looking forward to what we hope will be a rockin’ Fall semester.  


Diane, Wade, Shelley, and Greg

Featured image: “Alice Cooper sparks” by shaggy359 is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0