As we approach Indigenous Peoples Day on June 21, there are a range of initiatives being organized across the university with a focus on equity, diversity, and inclusion. We would like to specifically highlight the Teach-In on racial injustice being organized by the President’s Diversity and Equity Committee (PDEC). The Committee is currently reaching out to faculty, staff, and students to organize the event. If there are initiatives being undertaken in your department or area, we would love to hear about them and to profile some of these in future updates. 

The Challenges of EDI: In an insightful address on June 12th to over 400 Zoom participants, Dr. Malinda Smith — the recently appointed Vice-Provost of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion at the University of Calgary – spoke on the multifaceted challenges of EDI in Canada’s post-secondary education environment. We found it a helpful stimulus to reflection and dialogue and offer it in that spirit. 

Before the Parade: To support social distancing, the Vancouver Pride Parade will be held in cyberspace this year. Participating organizations have been asked to contribute visual entries. KPU is creating a montage/collage of festive and fabulous photos, so please submit your proudest Pride pictures to !  

Singing Celebrants: On Wednesday evening, the Music Department toasted their graduating students, award recipients, and past and present faculty through an online event via Teams, with over 60 families joining from across Canada. The celebration paid tribute to Don Hlus, Jodi Proznick, Bob Sheffield, and Allan Thorpe; the Kwantlen Music Students’ Association (KMSA) contributed a slideshow, and the evening concluded with a beautiful pre-recorded choir performance.  A huge round of applause goes to department chair Danny Tones, Jane Hayes, Gordon Cobb, and Zdenek Skoumal for organizing and presenting the event. 

Out in Schools: Out in Schools will be hosting a virtual workshop on Wednesday, June 24th from 1-3 PM. This workshop will use multimedia and group discussion to explore the challenges and the triumphs of LGBT2Q+ communities. Participants will be invited to reflect on how to create and support more inclusive environments towards LGBT2Q+ people. To RSVP, please email

Literary Pieces: ENGL’s Ranjini Mendis has drawn our attention to a forthcoming and timely new edition of Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness, for which she wrote an eloquent testimonial. You can read Ranjini’s contribution here

Nota Bene & Coming Attractions:  The fall drop deadline is being extended by one week.  o   We anticipate an announcement will be made next week regarding the “how-to” steps for faculty and students to access to KPU library materials via curbside pick-up. Muddling Through Moodle – a little something special coming soon from the Teaching & Learning Commons. 

Kwantlen First Nation artist, Brandon Gabriel, has created new Indigenous artwork for pillars at the KPU Langley campus.

Have a wonderful weekend!

–Diane, Shelley, Greg and Wade