As Diwali gets underway tomorrow, we wanted to express salutations to all of those among us who celebrate and observe the festival lights. With the pandemic intensifying, and the semester approaching its final phase, Diwali’s leitmotifs of light conquering darkness, and of hope defeating despair, couldn’t be more apposite. Our update gives voice and refrain to these themes…

Startle and Illuminate: Don’t miss the upcoming Keynote Address from President Alan Davis on November 23 from 1:00 – 2:00. Dr. Davis will reflect on “The Remote Life” and share his thoughts about the way forward in the post-pandemic context. An MS-Teams invite to the event will be sent out early next week.

Lighting the Lamp of Knowledge: Kudos are due to Dola Pradhan (GEOG), who has secured a Shastri Institutional Collaborative Research Grant . This significant grant will be used to address the “Socio-Economic Impacts of Cyclones and the Coping Strategies of the Local Communities in Odisha, India with a Special Focus on Women” a project led by Dola and Assistant Professor Archana Srivastava (BITS Pilani link).

The Incandescent Arc: The Faculty of Arts Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Awards have launched! Nominations will open on International Human Rights Day (December 10). Those who are interested in nominating someone for an award will want to look at the resources warehoused here.

Luminary Achievements: Three Arts faculty members are the inaugural recipients of the new Teaching & Learning Innovation Fund (TLIF). Dr. Larissa Petrillo, Dr. Jennifer Hardwick, and Ellen Pond will pilot a service-learning assistants program. The program will engage exceptional student-leaders in developing service-learning projects intended to be transformative, meaningful, and reciprocal. This pilot program was adapted from the SLA program at Tulane University. The Faculty of Arts and School of Business will be the initial pilot program site for the Service Learning Assistants program. 

Refulgent and Radiant: A massive shout out to the following Faculty of Arts staff, who have either recently joined our Arts team or are transitioning to new positions within Arts. We truly appreciate their commitment to learning what we do, helping to keep things going, and making them better – especially during these crazy times: 

  • Robin Curry (Arts Degree Advisor) started in her new role on July 6, 2020!
  • Robin’s former duties as DA for EDUC, PHIL, POLI, and POST are now discharged by Alex Oliphant (DA – EDUC, PHIL, POLI, POST). Alex started Tuesday, August 4, 2020.  
  • Kristi Collins (Geography Lab Instructor). Kristi joined us on Monday, July 20, 2020 
  • Gerri Wee (Arts Degree Advisor) started Monday, August 10, 2020 
  • Fernando Cilento (DA – EDAS, GEOG, & MUSI) switched from AA Practicum to the DA role on Monday, August 17, 2020 
  • Julia Nobauer (Administrative Assistant) started Monday, August 24, 2020 
  • Nadine Ragonjan (DA – ANTH, LANC, SOCI) began Monday, August 24, 2020  
  • Ankita Verma (Administrative Assistant) started Monday, September 14, 2020 
  • To all newcomers: welcome aboard! And congratulations to those transitioning to new roles. Arts could not flourish without you. 

A Canada of Light: The next Arts Brown Bag Lunch is scheduled for Thursday, November 19, 12:00-1:00on MS Teams (invitations forthcoming). Dr. Gordon Cobb will discuss the links between political activism and the creative process, which led to his outstanding remix of “O Canada” as part of the Fall 2020 Convocation. See Gordon’s short video promo for the Brown Bag event is here  And you can re-watch the entire virtual Convocation video, curated by Gordon, here. The ‘O Canada’ remix kicks in at 12:40.  

A Dawning Awakening: The first installment of the Indigenous Dialogue Series: Perspectives on Indigenization will occur on Wednesday, November 25, from 1:00-3:00, via Zoom.  Dr. Jo-ann Archibald Q’um Q’um Xiiem, from the Stó:lō and St’at’imc First Nations in British Columbia, is the keynote speaker. She will speak about what reconciliation means about Indigenous knowledge, Indigenous self-determination, and high-quality education, and how all those who work and study at Kwantlen Polytechnic University can be engaged with Indigeneity and reconciliation in meaningful ways. RSVP’s and program information can be found here.

Interdisciplinary Fireworks: FINA’s Amu Huestis has joined forces with Biology Instructors Lee Beavington and Carson Keever to have their classes participate in the Ecology and Color in the 1m2 project. Students observe a one-square-meter plot in their local community or backyard, with Biology students focusing on particular animal and plant species, and Amy’s students doing the same thing through a Fine Arts lens. The faculty members have traded guest lectures, and interdisciplinary dialogue among students has flourished. The project also incorporates Indigenous knowledge and ways of knowing, including holistic learning, which explores all aspects of a student’s intellectual, emotional, creative, social understanding, as well as respect and responsibility towards the land. Kudos to all involved! 

Wishing you a luminous, resplendent, and rejuvenating weekend.

Diane, Shelley, Greg, and Wade