Lesson planning checklist

This checklist highlights specific prompts to select a blended lesson design framework and assessment development by block, alignment, and integration of in-person and online activities.


  • Download official outline course outcomes & recommended assessment types/values
  • Decide assessment types for the course
  • Develop assessment strategy – Which assessments to be formative and/or summative assessments
  • Decide assessments delivery mode (Online/In-Person)
  • Develop outcomes for each assessment type and constructively align them with course outcomes
  • Develop assessment criteria for each outcome’
  • Design grading rubrics/marking guides to house assessment criteria, degree of grade values by mastery level
  • Check whether maximum assessment value matches with the addition of the highest mastery level assessment criteria
  • Graded assessments are varied
  • Graded assignments are clearly distinguished from ungraded
  • In-person assessments capitalize on physical presence, immediacy and human interaction
  • Feedback for assessments corrects, clarifies, amplifies and extends learning
  • The size and due dates for graded assignments are reasonable
  • Consequences of plagiarism, cheating and failure to cite copyrighted material are emphasized
  • Grading criteria are outlined in the course syllabus and the assignment activity itself


  • Do learning activities designed meet blended course outcomes?
  • Do learning activities assist students to complete blended assessments?
  • Do learning activities engage and motivate students to interact with content, other learners and the instructor?
  • Do learning activities complements the media and technologies used to deliver the course?
  • Do learning activities engage individual and/or collaborative activities?
  • Are learning activities designed to be delivered online only, in-person only or extended from online to in-person or vice versa?
  • Are content driven learning activities interactive & engaging?
  • Are there community driven learning activities designed?
  • Do learning activities meet accessibility requirements?
  • Do learning activities meet accessibility requirements?


  • Moodle Resource Tools – Book, File, Folder, IMS Content, Kaltura Video Resource, Label, Lightbox, Page, URL
  • Moodle Activity Tools
    • Course Admin Activity Tools – Attendance, Checklist, Scheduler
    • Collaborative Activity Tools – Chat, Forum, Wiki, Workshop, Database
    • Learning Aid Activity Tools – Lesson, Choice, Glossary, Choice, CORM, External Tool
    • Assessment Activity Tools – Assignment, Quiz, Kaltura Video Assignment
    • Interactive Activity Tools – H5P, Interactive Content
    • Feedback Activity Tools – Questionnaire. Survey, Feedback
    • Audio-Video Activity Tools – Big Blue Button, Poodll – Solo, Mini Lesson, Word Clouds, Read Aloud
  • Conferencing Tools – Big Blue Button, Zoom, Microsoft Teams
  • Media Creation Tools – Kaltura, Camtasia, T&L Recording Studio
  • Other KPU Supported Technology Tools
    • Moodle Integrated External Technology Tools – Pressbook, Hypothesis
    • Stand Alone Tools – Pebble Pad, WordPress, Mattermost
    • External Tools – Kahoot, Mentimeter, Padlet
  • Content Driven Learning Activity Design Tools
    • Moodle Resource Tools – Book, File, Folder, IMS Content, Kaltura Video Resource, Label, Lightbox, Page, URL
    • Moodle Activity Tools – Checklist, Forum, Workshop, Database, Lesson, Glossary, Choice, External Tool, SCORM, Quiz, Kaltura Media, Hotpot, H5P, Interactive Content, Feedback, Poodll Tools, Big Blue Button
    • Conferencing Tools – Big Blue Button, Zoom, Microsoft Teams
    • Media Creation – Kaltura, Camtasia, T& L Recording Studio
    • Moodle Integrated – Pressbooks
    • Stand Alone Tools – Pebble Pad, WordPress
    • External Tools – Mentimeter, Padlet
    • Community Driven Learning Activity Design Tools
      • Moodle Activity Tools – Chat, Forum, Workshop, Wiki, Database, Glossary, Choice, Group Choice, Big Blue Button
      • Conferencing Tools – Big Blue Button, Zoom, Microsoft Teams
      • Moodle Integrated – Hypothesis
      • Stand Alone Tools- WordPress, Mattermost
      • External Tools- Kahoot, Mentimeter, Padlet
  • Assessment Tools
    • Moodle Activity Tools – Assignments, Quiz, Kaltura Media Assignment, Hotpot, Poodll Solo, Poodll Read Aloud,


  • Lesson Planning Template for In-Person Delivery (Operationalization 2A-1, 2A-2, 2B)
  • Lesson Planning Template for Online Synchronous Delivery (Operationalization 2A-1 Only)
  • Lesson Planning Template for Online Asynchronous Activities (Operationalization 2A-2, 2B)
  • Lesson Planning Template for Blocks (Operationalization 3A and 3B)