Verbs in the Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotor Domains of the Blooms Taxonomy 


This resource will highlight the main verbs that compose each of the domains Bloom’s encompasses – the Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotor. 

After reviewing this resources, you will be able to:

  • Describe the domains of learning
  • Identify main verbs of each domain and the more specific verbs they contain
  • Explore suggested activities and assessments that coincide with each of the main verbs

All of this is meant to help you recognize measurable verbs that could be used to develop learning outcomes.

Watch this video:

This video provides an excellent overview of the background, revisions and application of the Taxonomy. If you are already familiar with this approach, you can jump to 3:59 of the video where a more focused discussion on the verbs is provided and specific examples are illustrated. 

*Scroll down to review verbs connected to the major focuses of the domain, followed by example assessments and activities to better evaluate alignment in course outlines.

Cognitive Domain: intellectual skills and abilities required for learning, thinking critically, and problem solving.

*Click the image to enlarge it.

Learning Activities & Assessments by Verb

*Click any image to enlarge. 

University of Waterloo. (2019, April 17). Bloom’s taxonomy learning activities and assessments. Centre for Teaching Excellence.

*Scroll down to review verbs connected to the major focuses of the domain, followed by example assessments and activities to better evaluate alignment in course outlines.

Affective Domain: emotional response concerning one’s attitudes, values and appreciation for motivation in learning.


*Click the image to enlarge it.

Learning Activities & Assessments by Verb

*Click any image to enlarge.

University of Waterloo. (2019, April 17). Bloom’s taxonomy learning activities and assessments. Centre for Teaching Excellence.


*Scroll down to review verbs connected to the major focuses of the domain, followed by example assessments and activities to better evaluate alignment in course outlines.

Psychomotor Domain: ability to use motor skills which includes physical movement, reflex and coordination to develop techniques in execution, in accuracy, and time.


*Click the image to enlarge it.

University of Waterloo. (2019, April 17). Bloom’s taxonomy learning activities and assessments. Centre for Teaching Excellence. 

Learning Activities & Assessments by Verb

*Click any image to enlarge.

Arkansas State University. (n.d.). Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy: Cognitive, Affective, and Psychomotor. Arkansas State.

Use the infographic below for help with some possible learning activities and/or assessments connected to the general verbs of Bloom’s Taxonomy in the digital realm.

*Click the image to enlarge.

University of British Columbia. (n.d.). Step 1.5: Selecting technologies for learning. Office of the Provost and Vice-President Academic: UBC’s Okanagan Campus.