Curriculum Review for
Program Review



This resource is intended to provide an asynchronous experience to support departments in completing chapter 1 and 2 of the program review process.

This will include information in the form of lessons, narrated presentations, and links to required documents and completed examples. This resource will walk you through what is expected, and will provide some insight into completing the requirements efficiently and successfully. This resource will discuss process as it is related to chapter one and two, but we will not detail the rest of the process. Links have been added for you to find additional information. 

This is intended to provide the majority of the material covered in the workshop.  It is best used in preparation for attending the workshop, or in review of the workshop. It is a good idea for every team undergoing a program review to attend the workshop in person. These in person workshops are offered once each in the spring and fall semesters.


The Program Review Process requires a department to complete a Self-Study Report. The Program Review Process is broken down into 7 phases, each consisting of several stages. These phases are addressed in the Program Review Guides.

The Self-Study Report is broken down into 7 chapters: 1) Introduction, 2) Curriculum Review, 3) Program Relevance and Demand, 4) Effectiveness of Instructional Delivery, 5) Resources, Services and Facilities, 6) Conclusions and Recommendations, and 7) Appendices.

This resource will detail the steps required to complete Chapters One and Two of the Self-Study Report.
  1. The current details of the program in review including
    • Program Name
    • Program Level
    • Credential(s)
    • Credits required
    • Discipline and specializations if applicable
    • Date program was established
    • Date of last revision
  2. Admission Requirements and Laddering
  3. Program Department
  4. Program Purpose
  5. Issues for Program Review
  1. Pathways for Graduates, including:
    • Pathways to Employment
    • Pathways to Future Study
    • Pathways to an Enriched Civic and Personal Life
    • Career Pathways Map (as Appendix A).
  2. Skill Development detailing how the program will help the graduate develop the following skills:
    • Writing Clearly and Consistently
    • Speaking Effectively
    • Reading and Comprehending Material
    • Working Effectively with Others
    • Analyzing and Thinking Critically
    • Resolving Issues or Other Problems
    • Learning on Your Own
  3. Curriculum Assessment including:
    • Full Curriculum Map (included as Appendix B)
    • Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)
    • Results of Curriculum Assessment

With the above completed, Chapter Two of the Self-Study report is ready to be reviewed by the Senate Standing Committee on Program Review (SSCPR).  This committee approves the Self-Study report to move to the next level.  The SSCPR does not approve the content of the report.


The Program Review Process is governed by KPU Policy AC3.  This policy defines the Context, Scope, Purpose, Limits and Policy Principles of the Program Review Process. The Office of Planning and Accountability is responsible for the operationalization of the Program Review Process and its associated policy.  For more information about the Office of Planning and Accountability or the Program Review Process please see here.

The Teaching and Learning Commons (TLC) supports the development of Chapter One and Chapter Two of the Self-Study Report required for the Program Review Process.  This portion of the Self-Study Report focuses on the program’s curriculum and is an area TLC is qualified to provide support.  TLC does not support any other part of the Program Review Process. For more information about TLC, or to contact someone at TLC please see here.

Before you begin

Review Glossary