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This is discussed in detail in section 4.2. Please click here to go to this section.

If your program has PLOS they will be found in the full program proposal (FPP) or in a previously completed program review. Please contact the Office of the Provost Curriculum for these documents. 

As you go through the described activities and exercises, you will likely find courses with out of date, or poorly structured CLOs. It is recommended to document any changes to courses, course outlines, or CLOs in the Curriculum Assessment section of 2.3 of the Self-Study Report. Changes to course requires a trip through senate. It is better to include these recommendations as part of the program review process and to complete them together as part of the program revision process that may follow the program review

Please reach out to the Teaching and Learning Commons to receive feedback on your curriculum map. 

If your program has PLOs they will be found in the full program proposal (FPP) or in a previously completed program review. If you have reviewed these documents and still cannot find any statements to function as PLOs please contact the Teaching and Learning Commons for support.

While there is no specific target for the number of KSAs to be generated, more will provide a broader perspective on graduate competencies to be addressed by your program learning outcomes. 

You will want to generate enough category titles to fully informed the PLOs for your program. Most degrees we’ll have 12 PLOs plus or minus two, diplomas will have six PLOs plus or minus two, certificates will have three PLOs plus or minus two and citations we’ll have two PLOs ± 1. in light of this try for 15 or more category titles for a degree, Seven or more category titles for diploma, four or more category titles for a certificate and three or more category titles for citation. Again, the importance of the category title is to inform your PLOs, and if your PLOs are well informed then you have the correct number of category titles.

Please reach out to the Teaching and Learning Commons to receive feedback on your PLOs.

Resources Available to
Support You

You Have Problems, We Have Answers

 The office of planning and accountability (OPA)

the office of planning and accountability overseas this process. If you have any questions about the administration of any part of this program review process please contact the office of planning and accountability. 

Program review workshops

The Teaching and Learning Commons offers half day workshops that work through the completion of program review guide #2 in its entirety. This includes the completion of Section 1 through 2.3 of the self-study report template. These workshops are offered each fall and spring semester for departments initiating the program review process. 

Teaching and Learning Commons

the Teaching and Learning Commons offers ongoing one-on-one support for departments undergoing the program review process. It is best that the departments attend the workshop first, then seek support from the Teaching and Learning Commons if needed. This support usually revolves around review and guidance on KSA’s, competency titles, and PLOs.

The Teaching and Learning Commons is continually adding resources to support this process. 

WHat’s next?

Next Steps