Modeling software can be used in either the design context (CAD: creating a model that will be used to make an object in real life) or in the CGI context (for use in VFX). The industry standard programs for CGI for VFX are: MAYA and Houdini. The industry standards for CAD for design are: SolidWorks and AutoCAD. But whether it is CGI or CAD design, modelers need to create entire models with intricate parts and elements usually from scratch. this process can take hours or days to complete.

the modeling process includes:

inputting specific numbers for dimensioning, dragging objects, navigating the scene in 3D space, moving and rotating around object in 3D space, creating multiple objects and joining them together to form bigger objects, adjusting precise parts of the model, using calculated functions and equations (so that the dimensions of one object is controlled by another), creating patterns to use across the model, using creativity to achieve certain shapes with the tools provided by the software, texturing/decals, shading, and rendering.

CAD softwares often use a combination of keyboard buttons, and mouse movements to initiate commands within the software (ex panning usually is done by holding Command/CTRL whole moving the mouse). Both the keyboard and mouse are important for modeling however, the mouse is used to perform more tasks and therefore is used more often.


TFI. (2015, October 9). Learn Autodesk Inventor in under an hour, 3D CAD modelling full tutorial IMPORTANT – SEE DESCRIPTION. Retrieved from

Aggarwal, A. (2020, March 13). These VFX software are used frequently to create out-of-the-world visual effects – MAAC India Academy Animation & VFX Industry Blog – MAAC India Institute. Retrieved September 29, 2020, from

Indeed. (n.d.). CAD jobs. Retrieved September 29, 2020, from