I made a research presentation communication piece to my audience in order to gain some feedback on my design possibilities. this site is https://w1w1w1w1.wixsite.com/website-2

I then downloaded the feedback form onto my computer to analysis the results.

Some of the most repeated things were:
small, cheap, long hours, comfort, function

Some of the main points that persisted were that:
1) there may be a market for a hybrid of efficiency, comfort and functionality instead of improving only one
2)small, cheap, and wireless were among the most important features when looking for a mouse
3) hand size was pointed out as important
4)shallow mice are not good for long hours

[interesting insight is that a lot of people mentioned comfort as one if the top things they look for in a mouse, yet they value the efficiency and functionality as possibilities for this project. – maybe this mean that comfort is just a design requirement but doesn’t need to be necessarily improved. ]

This feedback is prompting me to possibly find a hybrid between some aspects of my design possibilities.