Champions Program

Supporting ePortfolio Champions across KPU

3 people collaborating to create an ePortfolio on a large desktop computer. The people are small in scale compared to the computer and appear to be interacting physically with the computer screen

In Spring 2023, the Teaching and Learning Commons launched a pilot initiative granting single course time releases to ePortfolio Champions across KPU. These time releases were in recognition of both the time needed for faculty to implement ePortfolio initiatives within their respective programs as well as the support that may be required from expertise within the Commons. Initially, 4 faculty time releases were offered, but 6 faculty answered the call. Not wanting to leave abandon any champions or inititatives, KPU’s AVP Teaching and Learning, Leeann Waddington, sought and recieved additional funding for all 6 new Champions. To learn more about the pilot cohort of this initiative, please click here.

The success of the Spring 2023 pilot inspired additional time releases to be added for Fall 2023. Once again, the response to the call exceeded expectations. Click here for information about the ePortfolio Champions and initiatives of this new cohort.

Calls for Future ePortfolio Champions

The call is out for Spring 2024 ePortfolio Champions. If you are interested, see the details of the call here on Sharepoint.

ePortfolio Matters @KPU, developed by Gillian Sudlow for KPU’s Teaching and Learning Commons is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.