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Here you can find videos, articles, and other relevant media that shine a spotlight on recent developments related to global hunger.

COVID-19 and it’s Impact to Global Hunger


Yemen: World’s worst hunger hotspot risks further decline, says UN agencies

The current crisis in Yemen is devastating with a currency fall and the spread of corona-virus making things even harder for a country already ravaged by war, malnutrition, and hunger. In 2019, the coordinated humanitarian assistance managed to provide aid to nearly 13 million people thus, pulling Yemen from the brink of collapse. WFP currently needs around $737 million to maintain the humanitarian assistance for the millions of Yemenis who require it to survive.

World Hunger is still not going down – UN report

The number of people worldwide unable to afford food has increased over the last few years. In fact, the number has increased in the last 5 years subsequently and the number of people requiring food aid currently exceeds 800 million. This creates a setback and challenge to efforts in achieving the sustainable development goal of zero hunger by 2030.  

The largest number of undernourished individuals reside in Asia with more than 500 million people, mostly in the southern part of Asia. In Africa, the region known to have the highest rate of hunger continuous to rise slowly and steadily and are mainly due to economic slowdowns and downturns.

As more go hungry and malnutrition persists, achieving Zero Hunger by 2030 in doubt, UN report warns.

To overcome hunger and malnutrition is about more than securing food to survive, but is more about what people eat and especially children must be nutritious. Based on the UN reports, there is evidence that suggest that a healthy and nutritious diet costs far more the US$ 1.90/day in regions that are ravaged by hunger. That amounts to 5 times the amount of filling the stomach with foods containing starch.  Latest estimates suggest that roughly around 3 billion people or more worldwide cannot afford a healthy diet.

The current covid-19 pandemic led to the process of fighting to be stalled. Due to the economic recession the current pandemic has caused, it is estimated that around 132 million may go hungry by the end of 2020. Overall, the pandemic has impacted the activities and process of the production and distribution of food.