An exciting new collaboration is coming to KPU Surrey campus in the Fall 2024 term. ENTR faculty member Andrea Niosi and HRMT faculty member Monica Affleck are piloting a “Campus as a Living Lab” project using Inquiry-based Learning as the pedagogical framework for student exploration and discovery.

Campus as a Living Lab involves using the university campus as a test bed for sustainability issues, integrating academic research with operational campus activities to support real-world learning and innovation. This approach aligns with the broader goals of sustainable development and offers a platform for experiential learning and community engagement.

The “CLL” approach helps universities not only address sustainability challenges – including health, equality, peace, and justice – on their campuses, but also serves as a models for broader societal transformation through education, research, and community engagement.

ENTR & HRMT students will begin their project with a campus tour, lead by KPU’s Sustainability Expert, Alicia Gowan. Students will map their findings to the SDGs and KPU’s Academic Goals and identify a challenge or opportunity to propose for future implementation. Each project will combine ENTR and HRMT students and include a legacy plan for future hand-off and completion.

Stay tuned for an update on how this innovative collaboration turns out!