Your home for external connections.

Assistance for External Collaboration

Scroll down to learn how to: 

*This Moodle installation is not connected to the KPU Courses Moodle for reporting of marks, nor Banner registration.

The recommended Moodle site & video conferencing platform to connect outside KPU:

Step One

Setting Up a Moodle Account

Follow along with the video to get started:

Account & Course Registration

For Teachers


After you create an account on this Moodle installation, you need to contact the IT Portal and:

After you create an account on this Moodle installation, you need to contact the IT Portal and:

  1. state you want a course set up on KPU Share, and
  2. specify what you want the course called. (You can change it later yourself if needed.)

After it is created you will see it when next you log into your KPU Share account and can start adding content and students once they have self-registered. 

To get an account on KPU Share:

  1. Go to
  2. Click ‘ Create new account’.
  3. Follow the instructions and activate your account by using the confirmation link sent to your email address. 
  4. Contact the T&L Commons to have a course assigned to you, including in the email the name you would like the course called.
  5. Give students instructions on how to register and activate their accounts.
  6. As students activate their accounts you can manually add them to your course.
  7. If you have any issues contact the IT Service Desk at IT Service Desk.

For Students

Important! When you first activate your account, you will not be assigned to your courses automatically. Your teacher will add you after you have registered and activated your account.

To get started:

  1. Go to
  2. Click ‘Create new account’.
  3. Follow the instructions and activate your account by using
    the confirmation link sent to your KPU email address. 
  4. Your teacher will add you to their course after you have
    registered and activated your account. 
  5. If you have any issues contact your teacher and the IT Service Desk


IMPORTANT! There is currently no automatic assignment of courses or users in this Moodle installation, so a clear deadline for student account registration is recommended.

Step Two

Setting Enrolment Methods

Follow along with the video to get started.

Step Two

How Students can Enroll

Follow along with the video to get started.

Text Instructions for Self-Enrolment

  • On the right side of the participants page, click the wheel icon above the “Enrol User” button.
  • From the following drop-down menu, click “Enrolment Methods”

  • Click the “Add Method”drop-down menu and select self-enrolment.

You will now be taken to the self-enrolment customization page. From here you can further configure how Self enrolment behaves on your Moodle site.

  • You can opt for a password to self-enrol with by setting an “Enrolment Key”.Simply click the pencil icon or the text to type in your key.
  • You can also assign what role each self-enrolment will be given in your course with the “Default assigned role”

  • When finished, scroll down and click “Add Method”

Once you are back to the enrolment methods page, check to see if “Self-enrolment” is there. if it is, you have successfully enabled Self-enrolment in you course. if not, you may have missed a step in this guide.

Enabling Self-Enrollment

  • Enter the course you want to enable self-enrollment in
  • On the navigation panel on the left, click “Participants”

  • On the right side of the participants page, click the wheel icon above the “Enrol User” button.
  • From the following drop-down menu, click “Enrolment Methods”

  • Click the “Add Method”drop-down menu and select self-enrolment.

You will now be taken to the self-enrolment customization page. From here you can further configure how Self enrolment behaves on your Moodle site.

  • You can opt for a password to self-enrol with by setting an “Enrolment Key”.Simply click the pencil icon or the text to type in your key.
  • You can also assign what role each self-enrolment will be given in your course with the “Default assigned role”

  • When finished, scroll down and click “Add Method”

Once you are back to the enrolment methods page, check to see if “Self-enrolment” is there. if it is, you have successfully enabled Self-enrolment in you course. if not, you may have missed a step in this guide.