Learning Outcomes
Best Practices



This is an extensive guide that introduces and explores the concept of value creation through the utilization of learning outcomes within the realm of higher education. It aims to benefit individuals with varying levels of expertise, whether they are seasoned professionals or newcomers, involved in developing, refining, and applying learning outcomes. This detailed resource delves deeply into the subject matter to provide a comprehensive understanding.


This guide will provide pedagogical best practices for the creation and use of Learning Outcomes.  This resource does not refer to governance issues related to Learning Outcomes. Please refer to your faculty level Curriculum Committees, Senate Standing Committee on Curriculum, and Office of the Provost Curriculum for guidance on governance related questions.

This resource will focus on three types of learning outcomes, specific to program learning outcomes, course learning outcomes and lesson learning outcomes. It contains the following:

A “Getting Started” section, that will describe what Learning Outcomes are and their value. The “Foundations” section will start with a brief exploration of core theories that underpin the development and use of Learning Outcomes such as outcome-based education, constructive alignment, backward design.

In the “Learning Outcomes Development” section, this resource will provide detailed guidelines in three specific areas:


Surveying the structural makeup of learning outcomes based on supporting theories and topics including Blooms Taxonomy, domains of learning, and establishing conditions and criteria.


Investigating program, course, and lesson level learning outcomes alongside relevant theories and practices, while also examining the alignment of assessments with learning outcomes and exploring methods to harmonize instructional approaches.


Exploring the competency development process and how to write learning outcomes in a structurally sound manner.

This resource will also include a glossary of key terms as well as contact information for the Teaching and Learning Commons should further support be required.

Learning Outcomes are an essential component of modern post-secondary education. It is important that subject matter experts and instructors alike understand their value and share a consistent understanding and expectation of their function and structure. This resource seeks to consolidate these needs into one location.

Before you begin

Review Glossary