Week eight

Week 8: 2D

Week eight

week 8: Instagram sketch

Week seven

Week 7: IG Sketch

I’m pretty happy with how this week’s sketch turned out. I decided to switch back to pencil for this one to see how it felt.

Week seven

Week 7: Shadows

My shadowing got better as I went on, but I still need a lot of practice. For some reason, my shading never looked quite right either.

Week seven

Week 7, Shading Practice

Terran Tucker-Strashok

Week seven

Week 7, Instagram Sketch

Terran Tucker-Strashok Source:

Uncategorized Week seven

Week seven

Week 7 Shadows and Instagram

I’m still not good at drawing circles, I need more practice, and spherical shadows are a little difficult for me.

Week seven

Week 7 – Instagram

For today’s Instagram, I searched for something that has a shadow but simple. I copied sketching a knife by Mauricio Sanin. Even though it was a simple form, I got confused with coloring. And I still find myself have no confidence in my line. Here’s my sketch: Here’s the original sketch by Mauricio Sanin: Thank […]

Week seven

Week 7 – Shadows

For shadow practice, I used a strategy from the video, Shading to highlight volume, by Product Designer Maker. Instead of a glue gun, I sketched my wire cutter. This was difficult due to overwhelming lines and to unfamiliar markers but it was a fun exercise. Here’s my sketch: Here’s the original sketch: Thank you.