Week twelve

Week 12 Insta sketch

This week I did another sketch by @sketchfactory

Week twelve

Week 12 Building Ideas

Week eleven

Week 11 Insta sketch

This week I did a sketch by @sketchfactory

Week eleven

Week 11 Exploration 3D

Week nine

Week 9 Insta sketch

This week I did a sketch by @sketchfactory. I had to use to pencil crayons because the felts I have would not match the colour of the drawing.

Week nine

Week 9 Technique colour drawings

For this week I found it a little difficult because I didn’t have the right felts to get to the degree I wanted. Overall was interesting to learn.

Week eight

Week 8 Insta sketch

This weeks Instagram sketch was originally done by @sketchfactory. I thought the original sketch looked complicated but decided to try it anyways. My lines aren’t constant and coherent to some of the curves.

Week eight

week 8- 2D Exploration

For this week I decided to draw a computer mouse. I’m still challenged in getting clean straight lines. I also struggle with using pens instead of pencils to draw.

Week seven

Week 7 Insta sketch

Week 7 for the instagram sketch I followed a sketch by @sketchfactory. I could really use work on learning to blend with colour markers and invest into better markers. My lines could be more precise and cleaner.

Week seven

Week 7 Shadows

I really enjoyed learning about shadows and how to properly line up a object with angles to get the right trajectory.