Week nine

Week 9: Shading & Colour Techniques

I messed up some of the linework for this one, and I need to buy a better collection of markers. I think it’s pretty good though. Accurately portrays the perspective, for the most part. This sphere could definitely use some work. Again, I need more markers. I used like 3 different brands of grey markers […]

Week nine

Colour – Theory and Application

Week nine

Week 9 Insta sketch

This week I did a sketch by @sketchfactory. I had to use to pencil crayons because the felts I have would not match the colour of the drawing.

Week nine

Week 9 Technique colour drawings

For this week I found it a little difficult because I didn’t have the right felts to get to the degree I wanted. Overall was interesting to learn.

Week nine

Week 9 Colour and Insta I can’t get a good handle on the texture of the wood when drawing irregular objects.

Week nine

Week 9 – Instagram Sketch

Week nine

week9 colouring technique

In this week, I drew digitally since most of my markers dried out. I am getting a new set of markers online and it will take some time.

Week nine

week 9 Instagram

In this week, I used digital drawing because all my sketching marker dried out. I drew a chair from @/sketchfactory. The legs of this chair is very special and also very diffcult for me to sketch. It was hard for me to match the perspective. Now when I staring at the sketch, I can […]

Week nine

Week 9, Colour Techniques

Terran Tucker-Strashok Here is all my practice for the colour techniques, I really tried to spend a lot of time practicing these techniques this week. I found a lot of the information super interesting as well as informative and I tried to apply some of what I learned on the Instagram sketch I copies this […]

Week nine

Week 9, Instagram Sketch

Terran Tucker-Strashok this week I picked something really simple to draw but I did a few iterations of it, playing with proportions a little bit and trying to made the sketch look as clean as possible. the part I found the hardest was the sweeping line of the closer button, there was either to much […]