Week one

Week 1

Week one

Week 1: IG Sketch

I tried using pen, and a couple different pencils, and a couple types of paper, but I still had a hard time making this sketch true to the original. It was hard to get the lines straight and clean (especially in a single stroke), and to get the dimensions and angles accurate. To add to […]

Week one

Sketch Copy

Week one

Instagram Sketch

The sketch i choose is this AirPod Pro case which drew by Sketch Factory when looking different Instagram accounts given. At the first time I felt like it was a simple sketch when I looked at the hand movements in the video. The most struggle i got was the sketch with guide lines. I found […]

Week one


I picked the mini wood clip from @/sketchfactory since it should be not so complicated as it is mostly a rectangle, but it is not as simple as I expected, and I used a few pages on my sketchbook to practice it. Finally I cannot tell which one that I drew is the best one […]

Week one

Week 1 -Instagram

I tried copying a few items from the Sketchfactory Instagram because I loved how clean he made his line, and he filmed videos which was easy to follow. When I was attempting a measuring ruler, drawing ellipses were difficult. As I drew wrong, my line weight became too heavy. Also I had a difficult time […]

Week one


I started my drawing by looking at the scale from the hand to the drawing size. Then I looked at the hand movements, the lines this person was making and what lines they started with. So I attempted to do the same. It felt very unnatural. Drawing the bad at a larger scale was hard, […]

Week one

Mini Wood Clip Sketch

The sketch I have chosen is a Mini Wood Clip from Sketchfactory on Instagram. The reason I have chosen it is because of its texture. Since, I like wooden rendering, and also, for the different steps that we need to follow to design a small object. All credits go to the designer. (