
Within the fashion, sewing, and textile classrooms it is a challenge to find a textbook on the topic of sewing that covers the range of skills and techniques taught within these learning spaces.  Typically to supplement student learning, handouts will be utilized along with in-class, and in-person demos.  The open-source and online format of this Open Education Resource (OER) will enable educators to continually update the resource to meet current learner needs, learning outcomes, and reflect best practices within the apparel and fashion industry.

Content in this OER supports skills and knowledge learned within the classroom, whether that is in a traditional classroom in a school, workroom, studio, or other, while providing supportive resources for learners.  This open-source learning resource contains details, knowledge, and step-by-step instructions, supported with images, videos, and text all related to the sewing process.

The aim is that this resource might help others engage with sewing, making and creating while building on their learning. The hope is that you will come to love sewing just as much as those of us do who have created this resource.

Recording Stitched How To (2020)