Lapped Zipper

About lapped zippered intro

*below lapped zipper place holder – re-record on site at WSD

Baste along the length of the seam opening for the first step of the lapped zipper.

Fuse overlap (front) of zipper opening and serge raw edge of seam allowance. Sew seam (2cm seam allowance) to notch (bottom of zipper), back stitch and machine baste remainder of seam. Press seam open

For the second step of the lapped zipper, turn back one size of the seam allowance and stitch to the zipper tape.

Roll under lap seam allowance 3mm away from stitching line. Press. Place rolled edge close to zipper teeth and edge stitch.

Basting the zipper table to the overlap seam allowance to hold in place.

Baste zipper tape to overlap size. Zipper tape should line up with serged edge.

Top stitching along the zipper to create the lap

Using a zipper foot top stitch around zipper starting from bottom to top. Run zipper foot along zipper teeth to line up stitching. Remove seam basting and check that zipper is functional and no serging is showing on the overlap side. If this zipper is used on a side seam the overlap should face toward the back of the garment.