Storying UDL will be a story-based, open source guide to Universal Design for Learning (UDL). We want to center the stories of those most impacted by ableism and inaccessibility within higher education: disabled students. Our guide will not only explore the how of UDL, but the why.

The guide will help educators navigate implementing UDL in three ways:

  1. By sharing the stories of disabled, chronically ill and neurodivergent students. These students have had to become experts in navigating institutional barriers, and any conversation about inclusivity and accessibility should center them.
  2. By sharing the stories of new educators learning about UDL and implementing it in their teaching practices.
  3. Through practical explanations of UDL, including examples of how this can look in practice.

If you have questions about this project, please contact Arley Cruthers at arley dot cruthers at kpu dot ca.