Welcome to my blog on the 50th Anniversary of the Ugandan Asian refugees. This blog will discuss real-world issues of refugees who were forced to leave their home. It will focus on the Ugandan Asians who were forced to leave their country in 90 days! I am your blog host Yasmin Jamal. We are inviting you to share your stories. Our goal is to have these untold stories out in the open for all to hear during this 50th anniversary of this expulsion! We will be posting questions on our blog every 3 weeks and you can respond by leaving a comment below. So, here are our first questions:

Where or what were you doing when Idi Amin, President of Uganda announced that all Asians should leave Uganda within 90 days?

Did you take it seriously? lightly or just ignored it?

Share your stories and thoughts with us after 50 years! Do you think he was correct to make this declaration?

We are determined to make the ordinary Ugandan master of his own destiny, and above all to see that he enjoys the wealth of his country. Our deliberate policy is to transfer the economic control of Uganda into the hands of Ugandans, for the first time in our country’s history”.

Idi Amin, quoted in Uganda: a modern history
  • CC BY 2.0
  • File:Idi Amin -Archives New Zealand AAWV 23583, KIRK1, 5(B), R23930288.jpg
  • Created: 1 August 1973