In this conversation, we take a trip with Jalal Jaffer, a budding new author who takes us on a journey of his memories, how scribbling down notes in his journal from his childhood helped him to compile his first book: Memories of a Ugandan Refugee: Encounters of Hope from Kampala to Vancouver. His book comes out at a very opportune time, when the Ugandan refugees will be celebrating their 50 years anniversary this Fall.

Jalal tells his story of growing up in Kampala, his accident as a child, which did not prevent him from excelling in his studies and various sports. That dreadful knock in the middle of the night at his door before departing Kampala and settling temporarily in London, England. His settlement journey continues to Toronto and later to Vancouver for greener pastures. He weaves in wonderful experiences along the way with his sponsor family, that he still keeps contact with. His ambitious nature leads him to complete his Law degree at UBC. His story is one of gratitude for a country (Canada) that opened its arms to those needing a safe harbour. He further balances his work and family life by volunteering for the Canadian Ismaili Muslim community. Check his book out at:



Email: Yasmin.jamal(at)