Today we will hear from novelist, Urmila Patel, residing in Northern California. Her book “Out of Uganda in 90 days” reveals her amazing journey. Born in Uganda, she shares her first hand experiences of leaving Kampala by train to go to Mombasa and then onwards to Mumbai, India on a ship full of Ugandan Asians. It is disheartening to hear how she left her Dad behind in Kampala, as she, her siblings & mum embarked on this journey. She shares the challenges over this 9 days voyage, sometimes joyful, when the Indian community get together to play “garba’ and celebrate their journey to mother land. India brings many challenges of ‘not belonging’, now that they have returned after having been in Uganda for many years. Labeled as ‘Africa-valla” she experiences discrimination and racism by other Indians. After having spent 2 years in India, her family joins her Dad in Belgium. Belgium brings a new set of challenges with mastering the Dutch language and racism in schools. She shares the trauma that the family faces with this expulsion especially her Mum! Her challenges continue as her mum & dad force her into an arranged marriage! A powerful woman, Urmila is determined to succeed professionally! A move to California changes her life, though challenges follow her, but she is determined to prove her worth as a yoga and reiko master to help others to heal from various trauma.


Email: Yasmin.jamal(at)