Wilson School of Design Blog

Meet our Student Assistants!

KPU Wilson School of Design / KPMB & Public Architects

We have several extraordinary Student Assistants who deserve celebrating – come meet them for yourself! We wanted to give them a spotlight as we head into the new year, as they are working hard behind the scenes to ensure our faculty and students are supported within the building.

At the Wilson School of Design, students explore, discover and apply the design process – they continuously gain confidence in the process itself and ultimately themselves. Student Assistant positions are no stranger to this, as students have the opportunity to build their personal skills and make connections working with faculty while pursuing their studies. We have several types of Student Assistant positions available, such as Event and Communications Assistants, Lab Coordinator Assistants, Peer Tutors, and Peer Mentors. These positions are all equally important to the weekly operations of our school and ensuring our faculty and students are supported within the building.

We have asked our Student Assistants a series of questions, in order for you to get to know them better!

1. What does your role encompass?

2. What is your favourite spot on campus?

3. How does your position help you in your education and career goals?

4. What is your dream job after graduation?


Sarah Tan—Graphic Design for Marketing, Fourth Year

Communications and Events

What does your role encompass?

My role as student assistant for events and communications encompasses a myriad of things. On average, I along with other members of the team will spend our time managing and promoting the Wilson School of Design’s social media whilst highlighting and promoting student accomplishments or campus events.

How does your position help you in your education and career goals?

This position has necessitated that I improve my external and internal communication skills while also allowing me to build confidence in my interpersonal skills and abilities. 

What is your favourite spot on campus?

My favourite spot on campus is the walkway on the fourth floor—it’s the least populated and it allows me a moment to escape and recapture my thoughts. 

What is your dream job after graduation?

My dream job would be to work in a studio abroad, form connections and learn about the different cultures of wherever I find myself across the world.

Cali Martin—Graphic Design for Marketing, Third Year

Communications and Events

What does your role encompass?

My role as a Student Assistant in the Events and Communications department revolves around capturing and highlighting stories of the people within our school. No work day looks the same – I love getting the chance to tackle anything that comes my way! As a whole, my team and I document events held on campus, as well as manage the Wilson School of Design’s social channels and The Design Loop (psst… the website you are reading this on)!

How does your position help you in your education and career goals?

My role as a Student Assistant has greatly benefitted my ability to make connections with people within the building and has supported my growth as an individual. The work I do with my school has allowed me to not only expand upon my interpersonal skills, but also enhance my skills in critical thinking and software applications. My position has made me feel more connected with my university because I get to work with so many extraordinary faculty members, while getting to know more design students within the building. It is so wonderful to know I have these people in my corner as I pursue my degree and as a reference point for the professional industry. For me, having the ability to make relationships, share experiences, and show support for others fills my heart.

What is your favourite spot on campus?

My favourite spot on campus is the computer lab (2910) on the second floor. I find it to be a relaxing space to work in and I love being able to look out of the windows when I need a quick break. Having said that, nothing beats the view from the fourth floor!

What is your dream job after graduation?

My dream job after graduating would be working as a UX/UI designer within an agency or team of creatives. I see myself in a company culture that is highly collaborative and values building connections with one another! Wherever I decide to go, I hope to gain mentorship and valuable learning experiences in order to further my knowledge in this design discipline. I strive to evoke emotional responses and memorable user experiences in my current projects, and would love to continue to do that in my professional career.

Sarah Collister—Fashion and Technology, First Year

Communications and Events

What does your role encompass?

In this position, I work with a team to send out information through various WSD media channels. This includes sharing a variety of student, faculty, and alumni stories. We also assist in promoting and facilitating school events!

How does your position help you in your education and career goals?

I’m very interested in how people and companies can develop their branding through social media. I’m passionate about networking and connecting with different audiences. Designers constantly think about their target audiences; this position furthers my understanding of that connection.

What is your favourite spot on campus?

The third-floor common space has to be my favourite. There are always students with projects on the go which I find very motivating and inspiring. It also receives amazing natural light!

What is your dream job after graduation?

I’m very open-minded, but ultimately my dream is to be a Fashion Designer or work in Fashion Branding.


Heidi Wilson—Fashion and Technology, First Year

Student Assistant – Labs and Workshop

What does your role encompass?

My role as a student assistant entails a lot of different things – no day at work is ever the same! During my shifts, I usually organize materials and tidy the sewing labs along with any other tasks that need to be completed. Other responsibilities could be things like cutting fabric for classes, sorting fabric donations, assisting other students, preparing for school events, etc.  Along with those more short-term tasks I also have longer-term projects. To give an example of a long-term project, I am currently working with my co-workers to take inventory of all WSD supplies so that we can eventually turn that information into a resource for students to refer to when they are looking for certain materials at the school. 

How does your position help you in your education and career goals?

My position as a student assistant has been a great opportunity to learn more about the Wilson School of Design and the technology and facilities it offers! As a first-year student, I was unfamiliar with the school’s resources and tech when I first started the semester; however, I am now well-versed in all things Wilson School of Design! Being a student assistant has also allowed me to spend a lot of time with the lab technician Fakher learning about how to use and maintain the school’s different sewing machines; additionally, I have learned how to use other technology like the plotters, and I will continue to get training on other equipment as time goes on. 

As a student assistant, I have also been able to connect with the school’s faculty and other students. Building relationships with others through my role has been amazing because I love getting to know others, and I think it will also be valuable for my education and career. With a stronger network from being a student assistant, I now have more people I can rely on for help during my studies and I will have more connections after graduation, which may help me in my career. 

Being a student assistant also involves a lot of self-directed work, so I must use my judgment and critical thinking to make decisions and solve problems all the time. In doing so, I’ve honed my critical thinking skills, which will be so important for my educational and career success. 

What is your favourite spot on campus?

My favourite spot on campus is the lounge! It is such a beautiful open area that’s perfect for when you want to hang out with your peers or just work on a project on your own. 

What is your dream job after graduation?

As a small business owner for the last five years or so, I have taken a strong liking to entrepreneurship. As a result, I think my ultimate goal is to one day have my own business. Because I am so passionate about the environment and technology, I would love to have a brand that merges sustainability and techs like AI and NFTs – I think there is so much potential in both of those areas that is yet to be fully explored by anyone. However, until I am ready to start my business, I plan to work on gaining some industry experience, ideally through ethical apparel companies. 

Brian Patterson—Product Design, Second Year

Student Assistant – Labs and Workshop

What does your role encompass?

I am a student assistant in the Wilson School of Design workshop and production lab. My role is multifaceted and I spend my time helping students with projects in the shop, maintaining spaces and equipment, and preparing materials for student projects. I appreciate the opportunity to share my knowledge and experience with my peers and to learn more from the faculty.

How does your position help you in your education and career goals?

This position is great for me as a break from coursework and an amazing opportunity to help out at the school. It gives me an appreciation for the dedication of the faculty and staff and allows me to participate in school activities. Also, it means I get access to the labs during holidays, which is an added bonus! My career goals are currently a work in progress, but are starting to become clearer. I feel that a commitment to the school, in combination with learning and practicing more hands-on skills will be invaluable to me in the future, regardless of what I end up doing. I hope to maintain this position for my entire education at KPU.

What is your favourite spot on campus?

My favourite spot on campus is the labs. I love working with my hands to create what we design and I value the resources we have at the school. 

What is your dream job after graduation?

I realized recently that I have a passion for protecting people, liberty and nature. I want to work in a role that allows me to improve others’ lives by improving building science and technology. Through developing new construction materials and practices, I hope to have a positive impact on the safety, sustainability and affordability of the new construction of homes.

Chanelle Picazo—Fashion and Technology, Fourth Year

Student Assistant – Labs and Workshop

What does your role encompass?

I prioritize working in the textiles lab, making sure the workspace is maintained and tidy while helping Natalie, the Surface Design teacher prepare for her classes.

How does your position help you in your education and career goals?

My position helps with networking around with faculty and with students from other years and programs – I enjoy getting to know what other students are working on and getting a chance to explore and learn from them.

What is your favourite spot on campus?

My favourite spot-on campus is any spot my friends are hanging around in.

What is your dream job after graduation?

My dream job after graduation is in the field of production. I’ve always had a passion in sewing and pattern making since I was young. I want to continue to grow and gain new skills and techniques.

David Henke—Fashion and Technology, Third Year

Student Assistant – Labs and Workshop

What does your role encompass?

My job at the school is kind of a jack of all trades. I clean the labs, organize fabric and notions, help students with threading the machines or using the technical equipment, sew samples or prototypes for instructors, cut out and put together fabric kits for students’ courses. Basically, anything Melanie, the lab coordinator, needs help with. It is different every day, which keeps it interesting and enjoyable.

How does your position help you in your education and career goals?

Right now, this position has helped me with my education by allowing me access to all of the fabrics and materials the school has to offer, not to say that the other students don’t have access as well, I just get first pick when I am sorting through and cleaning everything! Haha! Also, being paid to be at the school and help other students with their work is pretty rad. I also really enjoy helping others, so this position was the perfect fit for me.

What is your favourite spot on campus?

As of this year, the technical lab room 3980 is my favourite spot in the school as I have recently found and affinity for technical sewing. I also really enjoy using the laser cutter and the seam sealer!

What is your dream job after graduation?

Honestly, I have not really thought so much about a “dream job”. Ever since COVID-19, I have just wanted to work in the industry in whatever way I can, gaining experience and building my portfolio as best I can. I guess if I had to choose, having my own menswear line would be at the top – but I would settle for head pattern maker at any big-name brand like Simons.

Michael Walmsley—Product Design, First Year

Student Assistant – Labs and Workshop

What does your role encompass?

Most of my job includes various small tasks to keep all the student production labs running, so there’s quite a bit of re-organizing tools, tidying workspaces, and sorting through materials involved in the job. Honestly though, there are new projects every day, and I love the fact that this job keeps me on my toes.  

How does your position help you in your education and career goals?

Through my job I’ve learnt so much about how I can improve upon my own technical skills! Whether I’m talking to Steve about woodworking or learning how to take care of the 3D printers, I feel like I learn something new every week. 

What is your favourite spot on campus?

This may sound cheesy, but it’s so hard to choose between all the amazing spaces on campus! If I had to pick, I’d say the workshop is my favourite. I love seeing what other students are getting up to in there! 

What is your dream job after graduation?

As an avid skier, climber and hiker, I would love to wind up designing sustainable performance outdoor gear. I’m not quite sure what that will look like for me, but I have a feeling I’ll want to start my own business after graduating.  


Karl Cruz—Graphic Design for Marketing, Third Year

Peer Tutor within the KPU Learning Centre

What does your role encompass?

My role as a peer tutor is to help anyone I can within the Wilson School of Design! Whether that be by answering questions about being a design student or helping with more specific problem-solving design questions, I am here to help anyone in need.

How does your position help you in your education and career goals?

I decided to go into design school to help people, and my job as a peer tutor is a clear extension of that! Roman Philosopher Seneca said, “While we teach, we learn,“ helping others with specific design problems helps me reinforce what I know. But not only that, my job has helped build my confidence and ability to talk to people.

What is your favourite spot on campus?

My favourite spot on campus is the outer balcony right outside the student lounge, even in the frigid air I like to look down at the traffic and eat my lunch.

What is your dream job after graduation?

My dream job hmm……to be a Graphic Designer of course! To be more specific I would like a role in strategizing and designing brand identities, I really love a good story and I want to have a hand in creating ones that are impactful. 


Britney Lim—Interior Design, Second Year

Peer Mentor

What does your role encompass?

We are here to help students! We can help with resources, be a listening ear, and we create and help out at school events.

How does your position help you in your education and career goals?

The position has helped me further develop my interpersonal skills. 

What is your favourite spot on campus?

My favourite spot on campus is any open studio classroom available to work in.

What is your dream job after graduation?

My dream job right after graduation would be working at a design firm.

Emma Juhala—Fashion and Technology, Second Year

Peer Mentor

What does your role encompass?

My role as a peer mentor means I am knowledgeable of all the resources and events KPU and the WSD have to offer students and help those students find any help they need. The peer mentors and I also have the goal of encouraging student engagement across all 7 programs.

How does your position help you in your education and career goals?

My role as a peer mentor means I get to work on developing my leadership skills, which is very new to me. It also gives me a good reason to get to know more students around campus, which I am always excited to do! 

What is your favourite spot on campus?

My favorite spot on campus is the grand staircase. More specifically, lying down mid-staircase and staring up at the impossibly high ceiling. In times when I’m stressed or spiraling, it’s nice to lie down staring at the bright lights and just disappear for a minute or two. 

What is your dream job after graduation?

My dream job would be designing with the goal of enriching the lives of others. I used to think the only way to make a difference in the world was to physically help people in a medical sense and it took experiencing it myself to realize what a huge impact design can have on people’s lives. I hope to work at any company where the things I help create will bring joy to the people who wear them.

Karman Bains—Product Design, Second Year

Peer Mentor

What does your role encompass?

My role as a Peer Mentor revolves around creating an overall better student life for the students at the Wilson School of Design. From planning and hosting extracurricular events to being an open ear to listen to what is on the minds of students and providing helpful advice and insight. On behalf of the Peer Mentors I strive to make the school more connected.

How does your position help you in your education and career goals?

Educationally, my position allows me to practice empathy more often and gives me more experience with working alongside vastly different personalities and skill sets which can translate into becoming a more well rounded peer and better leader. This experience compliments my career goals of working in the industrial design industry, as it is widely applicable in any field.

What is your favourite spot on campus?

My favourite spot on campus is the specialty lab on the third floor.

What is your dream job after graduation?

My dream job after graduation is either to become a designer or creative director in footwear, or to become an architect or an industrial designer whose work enhances and is harmonious with architectural projects.

Layla Hamnett—Fashion and Technology, Third Year

Peer Mentor

What does your role encompass?

My role as a peer mentor is to provide resources, support, and guidance for students within all programs.

How does your position help you in your education and career goals?

Through my position, I have been able to build new connections, network within programs and develop skills like leadership, communication and problem-solving. I also enjoy talking to people in different programs, to learn new things and develop my own personal and professional skills. 

What is your favourite spot on campus?

My favourite spot-on campus would be the sewing labs on the third floor. I enjoy exploring with different machinery and seeing the amazing view from the windows! 

What is your dream job after graduation?

My dream job after graduation would be to work with a motivating and supportive design team in Vancouver. I enjoy solving problems, thinking outside the box, and creating meaning within design. So, a job that enables me to do this would be perfect!

Matteo Ferralasco—Graphic Design for Marketing, Third Year

Peer Mentor

What does your role encompass?

As a peer mentor I help students to find the resources they need to succeed in their university life.

How does your position help you in your education and career goals?

Networking, meeting people.

What is your favourite spot on campus?

The computer labs on the second floor. 

What is your dream job after graduation?

I’d like to get into Wayfinding. Possibly for a museum.

Selina Leong—Graphic Design for Marketing, Second Year

Peer Mentor

What does your role encompass?

As Peer Mentor, we assist students during their studies by providing peer support and events like study group sessions, meet & greets, holiday events, etc.  

How does your position help you in your education and career goals?

This position enables me to connect with various people at WSD whether it be faculty, staff or students. By networking across campus, I am able to learn more about the school, programs, and make new friends! 

What is your favourite spot on campus?

My favourite spot on campus is room 2950/2920. Time-to-time, I enjoy sitting by the windows either on Level 1 or 2, especially during sunset!

What is your dream job after graduation?

My dream job after graduation is to become a UX or product designer! I enjoy the challenge of designing how the user will interact with the product/interface. 

Feature Photograph by Andrew Latreille / KPMB & Public Architects

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