If the rainy, dreary, grey-colored west coast skies start to wear you down, what could be more soothing and salutary than serving up some scrumptious classic comfort food? And in the digestive afterglow, feeling sated, safe and mellow, you can curl up on the couch with a good book, cuddle up with a canine or feline friend, look out the long window, and watch the liquid sunshine fall from the sky.  

Feast Your Eyes: As the essays and images in Canadian Culinary Imaginations demonstrate, food is more than sustenance – it holds power to represent and remake the world in unexpected ways. Join us online for a delectable book launch!  The book’s editors, Associate Dean Shelley Boyd and Dr. Dorothy Barenscott (Fine Arts Department), as well as several contributors, will reflect on how food has shaped their imaginations and share their favorite edibles and recipes. RSVP: ArtsEvents@kpu.ca. The book launch takes place on Monday, November 2, 4:00 – 5:00 PM on Microsoft Teams. 

Much to Digest: Nearly 40 faculty and staff attended the most recent event in the Faculty of Arts Speaker Series. Lilach’s Marom’s talk on Punjabi Students’ Educational Experiences was fascinating and highly engaging, prompting interesting discussion and much food for thought. For those who could not attend, the slide deck from the talk is attached here, and it will also be available on the Blog site. The next event – a panel on psychological research – happens on November 4th and will feature Patricia Coburn, Hammond Tarry, and Jay Hosking, Dept. of Psychology. Of course, President Alan Davis’s talk on ‘Remote Life’ is coming up on November 23. 

The ‘Proof’ is in the Proverbial ‘Puddin’: The Faculty of Arts and School of Business are co-hosting this year’s Law School Forum for all KPU students. The Forum is being hosted on MS Teams. Please encourage students in your classes to register, and they will receive the link to join this online event. Representatives from BC’s law schools (TRU, UBC, and UVic), KPU faculty members, and KPU graduates will speak about law school programs, admissions, obtaining a legal education, and law practice. It will be a practical information session for students interested in attending law school after completing their degrees at KPU. The event is on Tuesday, November 10, 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. To register: kpu.ca/lsf 

Half Baked: Just a reminder regarding reporting academic integrity offenses. When using the submission portal for reporting, please upload all relevant information pertaining to a particular case. If cheating is being alleged, you will need to supply specific evidentiary particulars to assist us in investigating the student. Further information is here.

Food for Thought: “Hope in A Time of Climate Grief” – A Conversation with Jenna Butler: Join host Dr. Asma Sayed (Canada Research Chair in South Asian Literary and Cultural Studies and Chair of the KPU Task Force on Antiracism) and Dr. Jenna Butler, Canadian poet, essayist, editor, and professor, for a conversation about climate grief, trauma and recovery, farming, and beekeeping. This event is scheduled for October 29, 2020, 1:00-2:00.  Register via this link: https://www.kpu.ca/bipocws and you will be sent an MS Teams link for the event. For further details, please contact Dr. Asma Sayed: asma.sayed@kpu.ca.  

We hope the weekend brings you an opportunity to enjoy these autumnal skies, to take comfort with food and family, and to enjoy some much needed repose and recreation.

Diane, Shelley, Greg, and Wade