Before anything else…Poutine…

What is Poutine? Well, poutine is a Canadian dish that consists of fries, cheese curds and gravy! It is very popular in Canada and it is pretty much known around the world as a classic Canadian snack food.

Brief history

Poutine first appeared in Quebec in the 1950’s. It was widely popularized across Canada and beyond in the 1990’s. It is pronounced as “poo-tin”.

When I first came to Canada in 2010, I had no idea that I would fell in love with this dish. It’s a very simple dish but, this was very new to me since I didn’t get to eat this type of food back in the Philippines. We mostly ate rice. I don’t remember eating fries that much when I was younger. I only started eating them so much when I came here to Canada. A friend of mine introduced me this dish. She said that I should try it out since I’ve never had them before. I remember thinking “woah, this taste so good!”. I consider this dish as my “go to” food, my comfort food. Whenever I need a quick snack or meal, I always go for poutine. As for drinks, any soda works, but specifically iced tea is my favorite drink that goes with poutine the most. Back when I was in Grade 9, I remember I would order this together with my best friend at the mall. We would eat this dish every weekend. 😆

What are the ingredients? 

Ingredients include: Fries, Cheese curds, and Gravy  (other toppings are optional) 

  • 1 lb frozen french fries ~ 1 bag
  • 3 tbsp butter
  • 3 tbsp all purpose flour
  • 2 1/4 cups beef stock no sodium preferred
  • 1 tbsp ketchup
  • 2 tsp Worcestershire sauce
  • 1/2 tsp onion powder
  • 1/2 tsp garlic powder
  • 1 tbsp cornstarch made into a slurry with 1 tbsp water
  • 1.5 cups fresh cheese curds

The procedure

  • Simply put the frozen fries in the air fryer or oven (even better).
  • While waiting for the fries to be done, make the gravy.
  • To make the gravy (sauce), melt the butter over low heat and sprinkle in the flour. Stir it for 2-3 minutes.
  • Slowly stream the beef stock while whisking. Add the ketchup, Worcestershire, onion powder, garlic powder and cornstarch slurry.
  • Then, put the heat up to medium high and let it simmer. Stir occasionally until it is thick. Then taste the season with salt and pepper.
  • Finally, when the fries are ready, you can simply put the cheese curds (as much as you want), and ladle the gravy.

*I personally like the original recipe which is just the gravy with lots of cheese curds. However, sometimes, I like to change things up a bit and change the gravy sauce to cheese sauce and I like to add some bacon bits on top as well. I have tried many poutines in many different places but personally, I think poutine in Canada is still the best. They know how to cook it well!

You can get poutine anywhere!! I suggest going to fast food restaurants. They most likely serve poutine at any burger/pizza places. My favorite place to get poutine is in New York Fries!


Team Mike and Steph. “Poutine recipe”. I am a food blog, January 10, 2023.

Sullivan, Justin. “If You Love French Fries, You Gotta Make Poutine At Home”. Delish. January 04, 2023.

Crampton, Linda. “Poutine Facts, History, and Cultural Importance in Canada”. Delishably. August 12, 2022.