Script • Sound check • Record

Podcast Studio

Located In Civic Plaza

The New Mainstream

Create engaging audio podcasts in our studio at Civic Plaza

Increase accessibility and encourage engagement with the use of audio podcast with your learners.

“More than just online radio, podcasts are beginning to displace print media for many people across the world who seek to engage with information in novel ways.” (Inside HigherEd, 2021)

Let’s Create

How We Can Help you…

Plan, Plan, Plan

We can assist with the planning process from the organizing of ideas to execution. This could be with scripting, brainstorming, or just bouncing an idea.

Content Creation

We provide individualized appointments, walking you through the podcast equipment in the studio and to ensure you have a smooth recording experience.


The distribution is often unclear after recording the podcast. We will discuss and explore possible ways to publish your podcasts to your audience.


This is what you could sound like.

Robin Leung from Teaching and Learning recorded a short podcast using pre-loaded sound effects. Check out!

Brad Anderson from the School of Business recorded his published book to make it an audiobook.


Why use podcasts in the classroom?

(Source: Podcasting in Education, Med Kharbach, PhD, 2023)

Ready to podcast?

Book a consultation.