Scholarship of Teaching & Learning

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Module Overview

As a coherent movement, SoTL has been around for at least three decades. Many individual teacher/scholars have embraced SoTL as a path to enhancing the learning experience of their students. Institutions have come to see SoTL work as an important part of their mission and mandate. This site provides an overview of the history of SoTL, varying definitions and attributes of the movement, arguments for why its pursuit is worthwhile, an introduction to relevant methodologies, and links to explanatory videos, the field’s major journals, and SoTL organizations.

This WordPress site [under construction] was created in 2022 when, Dr. Leeann Waddington (currently, KPU’s AVP pro tem for the Teaching and Learning Commons) requested a resource for faculty wanting information and resources on SoTL. My hope is that this site fosters communication, collaboration, and a community of practice around SoTL at KPU.

Cover image: Champlain College. (2021, July 30). Scholarship of teaching and learning. The Center For Learning & Teaching.