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Important Kwantlen Information
Important lab safety tips No one wants accidents in the lab. This pdf poster offers up some important tips to help avoid them.
Kwantlen Policy on Academic Integrity and our procedures for dealing with it when it occurs This is the Kwantlen policy on academic integrity; it’s how we define plagiarism and cheating, and what we do when we discover it.
Dates and Deadlines page. All the important Kwantlen dates and deadlines are found via this page, including exam schedules.
Common KPU Student Transactions and Who to Contact If you’re having difficulty with (say) registration for a course and would like to know who to talk to, this is a list of all the people and places who can help you.
Important Course-Related Information
Pat’s Schedule See where I am and what I’m doing from 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M., Monday to Friday.
A Periodic Table You’ll get this periodic table on every test of mine that you write.
How to write my tests. Reading this and following the recommendations therein may significantly improve your chances of doing well on my tests.
Useful Chemistry Links
BC Online Transfer Guide Go here to see how your Kwantlen courses transfer to other institutions in BC. Do a search by sending institution and select Kwantlen from the drop-down list.
NIST Chemistry Webbook Go here to look up thermochemical properties of many thousands of compounds.
Fundamental Physical Constants from NIST Ever wonder where I get the values for the constants I give you on tests and/or formula sheets? Here’s the site.
The CheMagic Virtual Molecular Model Kit Draw the structure of any compound and rotate it around to see it in 3D. You can also give the name of the structure to the program and it’ll draw it for you — even if the name is incorrect.
MolView This is another on-line molecular model kit. Draw the molecule in the left-hand window and the (generally correct) shape and structure will be shown to you in the right window. This program works for most molecules and not just organic ones.
The CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics Kwantlen subscribes to the on-line version of this book. The link to the left will launch a search of KPU library databases, and the CRC will be one of the results that pops up. Click on the appropriate link to start poking around the database. You’ll need to have your KPU student ID and password handy; it’s necessary to log in to use the CRC database.
Amazon’s used textbook store (Canada) Try here for your class textbooks. You may be able to save a little money, which can only be a good thing.
Web Elements This is an interactive periodic table that contains exhaustive amounts of information on all the known elements.
The Periodic Table Project This is another interactive periodic table with information about modern uses of the elements.
Fun Chemistry Links
Exam Room noise simulator Want to write practice tests in as realistic an environment as possible? Try this random noise simulator. We don’t have chalkboards (so skip that sound), but all other noises can be adjusted to your taste/anxiety level.
Pat’s page Leave comments about and ratings of me here for others to read. All such comments and ratings may be made anonymously, so you need not worry about anything you say affecting your mark.
Resistant to Base: the music video Yes, this can happen to you if you take too much chemistry…
Molecular Shape of You: the music video Does Ed Sheeran know…?
The Element Song Sure, it’s out of date, but I’ll leave it to you to make up a newer version that incorporates all the elements.
Elemental Haiku Clever descriptions. Haiku of the elements. Read it and enjoy.
The Periodic Table of Videos Click on each element in the table to watch a video about that element. It’s pretty well-done, and you may learn something while you watch sodium burn in water.
Science Mall USA Ever want a copy of the periodic table that looks kinda like the galaxy, or maybe a piece of malachite to call your own? This place has those things, and more.
Miscellaneous Stuff About Pat
Mink Chocolates This is my favorite chocolate/coffee place in downtown Vancouver. Try the chai bar. If you don’t like it, you’re wrong.
Thierry The salted caramel macarons they make and sell here really should be their own food group. Slorb.
Neverland Tea Salon Apart, of course, from chocolate, a properly-brewed cup of tea is — it’s fair to say — an obsession of mine. These people (a) do that, (b) are very nice to deal with, and (c) serve up some really good food to go along with said tea. It’s safe to say that all of the above results in them being my favourite tea place in Vancouver.
Animal Rescue Sites
Vancouver Orphan Kitten Rescue Association VOKRA is a non-profit, volunteer-staffed organization that cares for kittens and cats in Vancouver. Go to VOKRA’s website to learn about their adoption process (I adopted Jimmy from VOKRA), volunteering opportunities (I volunteer at their intake centre), how you might give a cat a temporary home, or just to browse many (many) pictures of cats and kittens.
Regional Animal Protection Society The Regional Animal Protection Society (formerly the Richmond Animal Protection Socieity) is a non-profit organization that cares for homeless animals both at its original shelter on No. 6 Road and Cambie and at its other shelter at 12071 No. 5 Road. Visit the site to find out how you can help or if you’d like to adopt a pet for yourself. If you can’t adopt, consider sponsoring a cat.
British Columbia SPCA I got both Dave (deceased December 11, 2009) and Shirley (deceased March 3, 2018, at the ripe old age of 21) in 1997 from the SPCA. Visit the site to find a pet of your own or to find out how to become a volunteer.