Chemistry 1110

General Course Information
The Course Presentation This is your course presentation. The course presentation contains my contact information, required materials, grading information, a tentative schedule for topics to be covered, and various other Kwantlen policy information.
The Lab Schedule When you’ll be doing what in the lab, whether or not a handout is required, whether or not there’s an unknown for analysis, and whether or not the lab to be done is to be handed in at the end of the lab period on which it is done.
The Moodle site This is the (link to the) Moodle site for the course. I’ll post various resources for the course there throughout the semester.
Supplemental Lab Material
Chrome users: To view the PowerPoint presentations here you’ll need to download them to your Mac/PC first, then run them from there.
What to wear in the lab Watching this video will show you what’s best (safest) to wear when you’re in the chemistry lab.
Introduction to the chemistry laboratory This handout is to be used for the “Introduction to the chemistry laboratory” lab (Surrey campus only).
Use of the Analytical Balance and Laboratory Techniques The “Use of the Analytical Balance and Laboratory Techniques” lab is to be written up and submitted using this handout.
Molar Mass of a Group IA or IIA Metal Carbonate The “Molar Mass of a Group IA or IIA Metal Carbonate” lab is to be completed and submitted on this handout (Richmond Campus only).
Molar Mass of a Group IA or IIA Metal Carbonate The “Molar Mass of a Group IA or IIA Metal Carbonate” lab is to be completed and submitted on this handout (Surrey Campus only).
Molar Mass of Magnesium The Molar Mass of Magnesium lab is to be completed and handed in on this handout.
Molar Mass of Magnesium PowerPoint presentation What to do and what not to do in the Molar Mass of Magnesium lab.
Qualitative Organic Analysis The Qualitative Organic Analysis lab is to be completed and handed in on this handout (Richmond campus only).
Tips for the completion of the Qualitative Organic Analysis Lab What to do and what not to do while performing the qualitative organic analysis lab (Richmond campus only).
Determination of Ascorbic Acid in Vitamin C Solutions The “Determination of Ascorbic Acid in Vitamin C Solutions” lab is to be completed and handed in on this handout.
Nickel Analysis lab techniques PowerPoint presentation What to do and what not to do during the Nickel analysis lab.
Intermolecular Forces The Intermolecular Forces lab is to be completed and handed in on this handout.
Supplemental Course Material
The first twelve problem sets listed below are taken from the “Surrey Supplement,” a set of notes, problems, and lab handouts originally designed by faculty on the Surrey campus.
Problem set 1 and solutions Stoichiometry
Problem set 2 and solutions Gases
Introduction to naming organic compounds Before you attempt any of the organic problem sets below, have a look through this introduction to naming organic compounds.
Problem set 3 and solutions Organic: isomers
Problem set 4 and solutions Organic: naming
Problem set 5 and solutions Organic: isomers, naming, and reactions
Problem set 6 and solutions Organic: isomers, naming, and reactions #2
Problem set 7 and solutions Organic: reactions
Problem set 8 and solutions Quantum: wave-particle duality, photoelectric effect, Bohr model, Schrodinger equation
Problem set 9 and solutions Quantum: electron configuration
Problem set 10 and solutions Quantum: periodic properties, electron configuration
Problem set 11 and solutions Quantum: Lewis dot pictures and molecular geometry
Stoichiometry problems and solutions These problems are of Paul Kaushal’s creation and cover all the mole concept stuff we do in class, including back-titrations and two-component mixture problems. (Paul is now retired.)
Back-titration problems and solutions Here are a half-dozen back-titration problems of my own creation, presented in order from easiest to hardest. Solutions were generated by Paul Kaushal.
Gas problems and solutions Gas problems by Paul Kaushal.
Organic naming and structures practice and answers. Practice drawing and naming organic compounds with this set of Paul Kaushal’s problems. Answers are provided separately.
Organic reactions and answers This is Paul Kaushal’s set of organic reaction problems. Answers are provided separately.
Radiation and Electromagnetic Spectra and solutions These problems (again by Paul Kaushal) cover approximately the first half of Quantum Chemistry
Orbital Viewer Draws a 3-dimensional view of any atomic orbital with principal quantum number n <= 50. This will also do approximate molecular orbitals for simple molecules.
Example First Midterms
Constants given with Test 1 You’ll be given these constants (in addition to the periodic table) for the test.
Fall 2023 test 1 and solutions Fall 2023 test 1. This test covers all of stoichiometry and the first half of gases.
Spring 2024 test 1 and solutions Spring 2024 test 1. This test covers all of stoichiometry.
Example Second Midterms
Information given with Test 2 You’ll be given this functional group information (in addition to the periodic table) for test 2.
Fall 2023 test 2 and solutions Fall 2023 test 2. This test covers the last little bit of gases, Lewis structures, and organic naming.
Spring 2024 test 2 and solutions Spring 2024 test 2. This test covers gases, Lewis structures, and (half of) organic naming.
Example Third Midterms
Fall 2023 test 3 and solutions Fall 2023 test 3. This test covers organic reactions, VSEPR theory, and intermolecular forces.
Spring 2024 test 3 and solutions Spring 2024 test 3. This test covers the rest of organic naming, organic reactions, VSEPR theory, and intermolecular forces.
Example Midterms From Other Instructors
Steve Hansen’s first test and the answer key Steve Hansen (now retired) gave two term tests in 1110 instead of three. This is the first of the two, with the answers.
Steve Hansen’s second test and the answer key This is Steve Hansen’s second (of two) term tests and the corresponding answers.
Paul Kaushal’s first test and solutions Paul Kaushal gave three class tests during the semester. This test covers stoichiometry, gases, and nuclear chemistry.
Paul Kaushal’s second test and solutions This test covers all of organic chemistry.
Paul Kaushal’s third test and solutions This test covers quantum chemistry.
Jennifer Wolf’s first test and the answer key Jennifer Wolf (now at BCIT) gave two term tests in 1110 instead of three. This is the first of the two, with the answers.
Jennifer Wolf’s second test and the answer key This is Jennifer Wolf’s second (of two) term tests and the corresponding answers.
Example Final Exams
Sample final 1 and Answers This is the first of two sample final exams.
Sample final 2 and Answers This is the second of two sample final exams.