Pulpwood is a based timber material that can be used to produce paper products. Pulp does not only create paper products but also involves in different categories such as medical, toilet papers, tissues, nail polish, snacks, etc. Now the question is: what if we ran out of pulpwood? what will be the other material options to consider to therefore produce products we depend on? That’s where the main problem occurred: the overuse of pulpwood.

Pulp’s fiber components have a great impact on product properties. These properties are cellulose, lignin, extractives, and hemicellulose. The cellulose fiber plays a significant factor in pulpwood because of the abundant natural components it contains and the strong structure the cellulose fiber has. Also, knowing the fact that the longer length the fiber has, the higher quality paper products manufacturers produce (Material).

What I am interested in is looking at different materials to avoid the overuse of pulpwood. These materials could relate to plant products that can help keep our environment safe and sustainable.

Research Question

These questions helped me to analyze and research more in-depth about the importance of this project:

What is pulpwood? What are the structural properties of pulpwood? how much pulpwood do we consume every year? Why pulpwood is important? is there an alternative way to use other than pulpwood? What is the importance of cellulose fibers? How do Fibers play a role in pulpwood? What is the manufacturing process of pulpwood? Are there other purposes to use pulpwood? How does the B.C Timber industry behave during a pandemic? Are there certain materials that are renewable?


Best 35 Tree Quotes and Motivational Thoughts With Pictures. (n.d). quoteslines.com. Retrieved from: https://www.quoteslines.com/best-35-tree-quotes-and-motivational-thoughts-with-pictures/