
Worked in Canfor company for three years.

In charge of Accounting and Finance.

Tell me more about your company.

Our company is in charge of product bale sheets and export it outside of Canada. 95% are outside of Canada and it divides into sections, Number one in the Asia Pacific such as China which has the highest consumption of paperboard packaging. The second united states take place and this is the European region.

Which pulpwood products have been consumed a lot?

Considering the list that I have seen on your blog, I would consider paperboard is most consumed since China has been asking us to export bale sheets to them and they are the highest consumer of paperboard.

What problems do Canfor companies occur?

Lack of fiber supplies. Since pulp mills and sawmills have been shut down for quite some time during covid and before covid, it is very expensive to import pulpwood material from United Stated to BC, The margins are not that great.

The only thing that we care about for our company is that how to sustain this business?

How do you make bale sheets?

Well, Pulpwood is been delivering it to us and it can be divided into two sections BCTMP (Bleached Chemi-ThermoMechanical Pulp) and NBSK (Northern Bleached Softwood Kraft). One manufacturing can be used in mechanical pulping and the other chemical.

What do you think the problem occurs about pulpwood material?

I think it is not sustainable and it actually causes deforestation. My co-workers had this conversation for the past two years to find a solution for it. Plus there were forest fires and it affected pulpwood trees.

What material are you suggesting to be the best replacement for pulpwood?

That is very interesting since you are looking at paperboard packaging, I would consider looking at Hemp paper (CBD plants). I know that before it was the main paper production. What you can also look at is to find the difference between Hemp and trees. Also, look at in terms of legalizing permits in BC. Hemp is actually also good for Resist decomposition, and in the manufacturing process it does not involve Bleach chemicals, do not take my word for no bleaching make sure when you do the research that it does not require any bleaching chemicals. (Moaath was right). Look at as well for the life cycle of hemp plants. Compare Hemp vs tress in terms of tensile strength, and quality claim. Look into Natural resources such as FBI innovations.


Seekvectorlogo. ( December 12th, 2019). Canfor Vector Logo. Retrieved December 10th, 2020 from