Fourteen simple strategies to help KPU educators support Indigenous learners today! Lessons from the BCcampus Pulling together series

Fourteen simple strategies to help KPU educators support Indigenous learners today! Lessons from the BCcampus Pulling together series

On Feb 6, 2023, KPU’s president Dr. Alan Davis released a video message providing guidance on delivering Territorial acknowledgments that shift away from “a general colonial term to the languages of these First Nations” (President’s update, 2023, 00:32). Positioning yourself through a Territorial acknowledgement should be an integral practice all of us at KPU has…

Faculty Spotlight: Rachel Chong
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Faculty Spotlight: Rachel Chong

Taanishi kiiyawow. As Rachel Chong greets me in Michif, the native tongue of her people, she smiles brightly. “I’m in no way an expert, but I’ve been trying to learn the traditional language of my ancestors recently. I’m still very new at this.” Crediting her newfound skill to St. Albert Further Education, where she recently…