Introduction to ePortfolios

Creating an ePortfolio can be an exciting and informative learning experience.
If you have never created one before, you might be feeling a bit overwhelmed, especially if you’re not sure what it is or why you are doing it.

We’re here to help with information about ePortfolios, writing reflections, and support for using the technology available at KPU to help you create a beautiful and creative digital portfolio.

“We don’t learn from experience, we learn from
thinking about experience”

– John Dewey

➡️ To learn more, click the learning aid about the features of an eportfolio: 
      What is an eportfolio
There are different types of eportfolios you can create. 

ePortfolios can be used to document the process and/or the product of any learning experience whether it be academic, professional, or personal. The artefacts and reflections you include should align with the type of portfolio you’re designing. 

Image credit: Gillian Sudlow Teaching & Learning

Let’s explore how you can create an eportfolio

Click the icon below to get started based on where you’re at in developing your portfolio. If you’re brand now, start with Evidence of My Learning and make your way to Creating a PebblePad ePortfolio. 

Content adapted with permission and thanks to Gillian Sudlow, KPU Teaching and Learning. 

Light, T. P., Chen, H. L., & Ittelson, J. C. (2012). Documenting learning with eportfolios: A guide for college instructors. Jossey-Bass.