Chemistry 1210

General Course Information
The Course Presentation This is your course presentation. In it, you’ll find my contact information, required materials, grading information, a tentative schedule for topics to be covered, and more.
The Lab Schedule This is your lab schedule. It covers when you’ll be doing what in the lab, whether there’s an unknown associated with the lab, and whether or not the lab is due the same day.
The Moodle Site This is the (link to the) Moodle site for the course. I’ll be posting various resources for the course there throughout the semester.
The Formula Sheet You’ll be given this formula sheet for all your term tests and the final exam.
Supplemental Lab Material
What to wear in the lab Watching this video will show you what’s best (safest) to wear when you’re in the chemistry lab.
How to use the Spectronic 20 This guide will help you use the Spectronic 20 more effectively this semester.
Richmond Campus lab handouts
Oxidation-Reduction Analysis The Oxidation-Reduction lab is to be completed and submitted on this handout.
Analysis of a Two-Component System The Two-Component System lab is to be completed and submitted on this handout.
Analysis of Aspirin The Analysis of Aspirin lab is to be completed and handed in on this handout.
Electrochemistry The Electrochemistry lab is to be completed and handed in on this handout.
pH and Indicators The pH and Indicators lab is to be completed and handed in on this handout.
Thermochemistry The Thermochemistry lab is to be completed and handed in on this handout.
Freezing Point Depression The Freezing Point Depression lab is to be completed and handed in on this handout.
Surrey Campus lab handouts
Chrome users: To use the Excel spreadsheets provided here you’ll need to save them to your Mac/PC first and then run them from there.
Analysis of a Two-Component System The Two-Component System lab is to be completed and submitted on this handout.
Alka Seltzer The Alka Seltzer lab is to be completed and submitted on this handout.
Analysis of Aspirin The Aspirin analysis lab is to be completed and submitted on this handout.
Electrochemistry The Electrochemistry lab is to be completed and submitted on this handout.
Equilibrium and Solubility Product The Equilibrium and Solubility Product lab is to be completed and submitted on this handout.
Kinetics lab spreadsheet This spreadsheet is required for the calculations for the ethyl lactate kinetics lab.
Preparation of a Nickel complex The Nickel complex analysis lab is to be completed and submitted on this handout.
pH and Indicators The pH and Indicators lab is to be completed and submitted on this handout.
Oxidation-Reduction Analysis The Redox lab is to be completed and submitted on this handout. You will need to use this spreadsheet for your calculations.
Solution Calorimetry The Solution Calorimetry lab is to be completed and submitted on this handout.
Spectrophotometric Analsys of Iron The “Spec Fe” lab is to be completed and submitted on this handout.
Supplemental Course Material
The “Surrey Supplement” was a set of notes, problems, and lab handouts originally designed by faculty on the Surrey campus. The problems below are taken from that resource.
Redox Balancing redox reactions and a little redox stoichiometry
Electrochemistry Electrochemistry problems
Kinetics Kinetics problems
Equilibrium General equilibrium. A detailed solution to question 6 (it broke my brain for a bit) is here.
Acids and bases Acids and bases problems
Solubility Solubility problems
Thermochemistry Thermochemistry problems
Thermodynamics Thermodynamics problems
Intermolecular forces and solutions Intermolecular forces and colligative properties
My problem sets
All of these problem sets require a calculator for the number-crunching part of the solution process.
Kinetics Problems If you want extra practice with kinetics, here are a few problems you can try.
Equilibrium Here are a few problems for you to test your understanding of equilibrium. Some of these problems were created by Chris Rogers.
Electrochemistry Problems These problems cover everything we did with electrochemistry (and one covers a little more).
Acid/base practice problems These problems cover most things we did with acids and bases. Sample tests should make up the difference.
Solubility product practice problems These problems cover what we did with solubility products.
Thermodynamics practice problems Here are a few sample problems for thermodynamics.
A comprehensive thermodynamics problem This problem should only be attempted after we’ve completed electrochemistry, thermodynamics, and equilibrium. It’s a tough question that demonstrates the tight integration of these three topics.
Colligative Properties problems Here are a few colligative properties problems.
Problem sets that do not require a calculator
All of the problem sets below may be completed without the use of a calculator for the number-crunching part of the solution process. I should warn you that to do them without a calculator you’ll need to develop your skill at estimating the results of various mathematical operations; said skill may be developed (at least in part) by doing the “Math practice” problem set listed first below. Alternatively, you can use a calculator for number crunching (even for the “Math practice” problem set) and just use the problems for practising the concepts therein.

When working these problems bear in mind that the answers given were all generated without a calculator and so are approximate unless stated otherwise. Also note that there is significant overlap between these problems and the ones from the Surrey Supplement.
Math practice and answers Use this problem set to brush up on and check your math skills.
Kinetics Kinetics problems
Equilibrium Here are a few problems for you to test your understanding of equilibrium.
Redox Redox reactions and a little stoichiometry
Electrochemistry These problems cover everything we did with electrochemistry.
Acids and bases Acids and bases
Solubility These problems cover what we did with solubility products.
Thermochemistry Thermochemistry problems
Thermodynamics Thermodynamics. Some of these problems demonstrate the integrated nature of much of the course material.
Example First Midterms
Spring 2023 test 1 and solutions Spring 2023 test 1. This test covers kinetics and equilibrium.
Spring 2024 test 1 and solutions Spring 2024 test 1. This test covers kinetics and (about the first half of) equilibrium.
Example Second Midterms
Spring 2023 test 2 and solutions Spring 2023 test 2. This test covers solubility, redox, and electrochemistry.
Spring 2024 test 2 and solutions Spring 2024 test 2. This test covers the rest of general equilibrium, solubility, redox, and the beginning of electrochemistry.
Example Third Midterms
Spring 2023 test 3 and solutions Spring 2023 test 3. This test covers acids and bases and most of thermochemistry.
Spring 2024 test 3 and solutions Spring 2024 test 3. This test covers electrochemistry and acids and bases.
Example Midterms From Other Instructors
David Sud’s first test and solutions David Sud gave two term tests in the spring of 2017. This test covers equilibrium and acids and bases.
David Sud’s second test and solutions David Sud gave two term tests in the spring of 2017. This test covers solubility equilibria, redox, electrochemistry, and thermochemistry.
Suzanne Pearce’s first quiz and solutions Suzanne gave four quizzes (quiz four was optional) in the Spring 2014 term. This is quiz 1 of 4.
Suzanne Pearce’s second quiz and solutions Suzanne gave four quizzes (quiz four was optional) in the Spring 2014 term. This is quiz 2 of 4.
Suzanne Pearce’s third quiz and solutions Suzanne gave four quizzes (quiz four was optional) in the Spring 2014 term. This is quiz 3 of 4.
Suzanne Pearce’s fourth quiz (version 1) and solutions Suzanne gave four quizzes in the Spring 2014 term. This is the first version (of three) of the (optional) fourth quiz.
Suzanne Pearce’s fourth quiz (version 2) and solutions Suzanne gave four quizzes in the Spring 2014 term. This is the second version (of three) of the (optional) fourth quiz.
Suzanne Pearce’s fourth quiz (version 3) and solutions Suzanne gave four quizzes in the Spring 2014 term. This is the third version (of three) of the (optional) fourth quiz.
Suzanne Pearce’s first test Suzanne gave two tests in the Spring 2014 term. This is the first of the two tests, with answers included.
Suzanne Pearce’s second test Suzanne gave two tests in the Spring 2014 term. This is the second of the two tests, with answers included.
Steve Hansen’s first test and the answer key Steve Hansen (now retired) gave two term tests in 1210 instead of three. This is the first of the two, with the answers.
Steve Hansen’s second test and the answer key This is Steve Hansen’s second (of two) term tests and the corresponding answers.
Example Final Exams
Sample final 1 and Answers This is the first of two sample final exams.
Sample final 2 and Answers This is the second of two sample final exams.